Daily Mail

Italy scores 66, and France 67

Coffee break 1


QUESTION How many Italian government­s have existed since World War II? Is it a record?

Italy has had 66 government­s since World War II. this isn’t a record in Europe; France has had 67.

after World War II, Italy was divided politicall­y and economical­ly: the poorer South voted in the 1946 referendum for a monarchy, while the wealthy North wanted a republic.

the referendum aimed to take account of Italy’s regional variation, while making it constituti­onally impossible for a dictator to take power. this resulted in a constituti­onal system with a weak executive.

the prime minister needs a majority in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Forming a government and keeping it together depends on the co- operation of several parties, often with diverging interests. Under such a system, a small party can bring down the government.

France’s worst period of political instabilit­y came in the Fourth Republic, from 1946 to 1958, when it had 27 government­s — one every six months. Charles De Gaulle instituted the Fifth Republic in October 1958, which weakened the role of parliament and the prime minister in favour of a strong presidency. this slowed the political merry-go-round, with government­s lasting, on average, 17-and-a-half months.

In contrast, Britain and Germany have each had fewer than 30 government­s since 1945.

L. E. Tyler, Bradford, W. Yorks.

QUESTION Has anyone been killed chasing a tornado or watching a volcano?

FURTHER to the earlier answer, the most famous example was the ancient writer Pliny the Elder.

he died while attempting the rescue by ship of a friend and his family from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Ad 79, which had already destroyed the cities of Pompeii and herculaneu­m.

Jane Rice, Nottingham.

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