Daily Mail



ALARM spreads through the little village of Milton Street as a fireball appears in the sky, followed by 50 hours of darkness. The local alchemist thinks the end of the world is nigh, the villagers think the sky is falling in, but Mistress Bannister knows better. An edition of THE GOON SHOW (RADIO 4 EXTRA, 8.30AM, 12.30PM, 7.30PM) not broadcast since it first went out on the old Home Service gets an airing as part of the celebratio­ns for the 100th anniversar­y of the birth of Spike Milligan (pictured with Peter Sellers).

CROWDS poured into the ‘cathedrals of propaganda’ at Nuremberg for Nazi rallies. Now, these buildings are crumbling into derelictio­n, and it’s difficult to know whether they should be restored or destroyed. Jonathan Glancey presents GUILTY ARCHITECTU­RE

(RADIO 4, 11.30AM), investigat­ing what should be done about old buildings with toxic pasts.

ON DECEMBER 10, 1968, four bank employees crossed Tokyo in a car. They were delivering cash to the current value of £4 million to the Toshiba factory and were flagged down by a police motorcycli­st, who warned of a bomb on board. The men got out of the car, and there was a flash, smoke and the sound of the car — and the money — being driven away. Christophe­r Harding tells the story in THE ESSAY: DARK BLOSSOMS (RADIO 3, 10.45PM).

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