Daily Mail

Black sheep named Venus and Serena


THE revelation that Princess Michael is said to have kept black sheep named Venus and Serena will cause further embarrassm­ent to the Royal Family.

Serena Williams is a good friend of Meghan Markle and is likely to be at her wedding to Prince Harry, which the princess is also sure to attend. The princess, the daughter of an SS officer, has been accused of racism several times over the years, most recently when she wore a Blackamoor brooch to meet Miss Markle, who is mixed race.

In 2004 she was accused of telling a group of black diners in New York to ‘go back to colonies’, a claim she disputes. Taseer writes of the incident, which occurred while he was dating Lady Gabriella that she ‘feigned an odd mixture of injustice and contrition’: ‘I daren’t even say I want my coffee black any more. I say, “Without milk”.’

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