Daily Mail



EMOTIONAL affairs are controvers­ial, with some experts claiming that a lack of sexual contact means no betrayal has taken place.

Yet an intense emotional bond with another can create a schism between primary partners that can feel even more invasive than a sexual one.

So, what are the signs that you’ve fallen into an emotional affair with that online buddy or work friend?

YOU keep the nature and extent of your connection secret from your spouse.

YOU talk to your partner less and less about them.

THE emotional affair has deep intimacy. Conversati­ons are peppered with complaints about your marriage.

YOU enjoy talking to them more than your spouse.

THEY are someone who may be sexually attractive to you.

CLOSE friends join you and your spouse for family dinners and bring good things to your marriage. Emotional affair partners hurt it.

ONE or both of you thinks: ‘If only we weren’t married, we’d make the perfect couple.’

YOU think: ‘ If only we were brave enough’ to act on our desire.

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