Daily Mail



1. In a local pet shop, pedigree rats worth £28 each and hamsters costing £15 were kept in the same cage, with a total value of £556. One day, the cage door was left open allowing three rats and a third of the hamsters to escape. If the total value was now £352, how many rats had been in the cage to begin with?

2. What connects broth, egg and mist?

3. Which cameo-making director may use NARROW HOD?

4. Which is the odd one out: Ellesmere Island, Devon Island, Chatham Island, Baffin Island?

5. Crack the code to find three sailing boats: ZBXM, TMPPQ, LFUDI.

1 Seven rats.

2 They may all follow scotch.

3 Ron Howard.

4 Chatham Island, off New Zealand; the others are Canadian.

5 Yawl, sloop, ketch (A becomes Z, B becomes A, etc).

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