Daily Mail



PUT every penny of your spending on your credit card — if you are out for dinner and are planning to split the bill, pick up the tab yourself and then ask your friends and family to pay you back.

ALWAYS pay off your bill in full each month. This cannot be stressed highly enough, as the interest rates on rewards cards can be three times as high as the cheapest deals.

CONSIDER getting a separate card to cover your spending overseas as most rewards cards charge a hefty foreign exchange fee of around 3 pc on every purchase.

SOME rewards cards are only worth having for the sign-up bonus you receive, so make sure that you cancel this card after a few months and switch to one that pays you more for longterm use.

CHECK if you are likely to qualify for a rewards card before you apply, because rejections can damage your overall credit score. There is a free eligibilit­y tool on moneysavin­gexpert.com.

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