Daily Mail



ALL the solutions read clockwise around their numbers. The solution to clue number 1 starts from the given letter. Solution overleaf. 1. A season 2. Gather 3. Refresh 4. Views 5. Jaundiced 6. Oily fruits 7. Charred 8. Task 9. Approached 10. Quite 11. Take away 12. Rescind


QUICK QUIZ ANSWERS: 1 The Nineties. 2 South America. 3 Barking. 4 Dog. 5. Three.

MINDBENDER ANSWERS: 1 Fifteen miles per hour. 2 They are all types of fox. 3 Dina Asher-Smith. 4 Sri Lanka; the others are officially called The Commonweal­th Of. 5 Pea. Peaky, impeach, peal, pear. MASTERQUIZ ANSWERS: 1 1670s. 2 Twenty-one seconds. 3 Eighteen. 4 Gloucester­shire. 5 Clams. 6 Coal mining.

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