Daily Mail



‘LET’S go fly a kite, up to the highest height,’ sang the children in Mary Poppins’s Victorian London. These days you’d be more likely to hear ‘let’s go fly a drone, piloted from my mobile phone’! Yet we still, from time to time, see astrologic­al patterns called ‘kites’ — and the one that formed at the weekend, when the Pisces Full Moon bisected the Sun-Saturn-uranus Grand Trine, is worth hanging on to a little longer this week. With Mars turning direct and filling our sails, we can all fly a little higher now. ARIES WE FIND it far easier Mar 21 — Apr 20 to lose ourselves in memories and run our minds back over past events than to plan for the future. We can manipulate what happened yesterday, to make it look how we want it to look. We can rearrange the past in our minds and sort it in a way to make sense. The future, though, has a challengin­g knack of being filled with shocks and surprises. It is, though, inevitable, and heading in your direction. You might not be able to control it, but you can affect it today. It’s an exceptiona­l week. The Full Moon and Grand Trine brought change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS IF YOU’VE ever Apr 21 — May 21 watched a film with the sound turned down, you know how the music influences the audience experience. It’s the same when watching a comedy show. If there’s no laughter in the background, we don’t laugh as hard. We are influenced by the noises and signals made by the people around us; they help us know how to respond and what to expect. Something has occurred that has altered your perception of a situation. If you remove it, you’ll have a clearer idea of how to proceed. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arose as the Full Moon is energised by the Grand Trine. For great news about your future, call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI NO ONE can be May 22 — June 22 reasonable all of the time. Even you (known for being level-headed) don’t always explain why you respond in a certain way when something (or someone) pushes one of your buttons and triggers a reaction. Over time, you’ve learned to trust in the way you react, as your reactions are usually spot on. Yet recently, despite challengin­g times, you’ve been unusually quiet. As Mars prepares to turn direct, you owe it to yourself to express how you feel. Capture the powerful energy of this week’s auspicious cosmic climate. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast now: 0906 751 5603. CANCER FOR some time June 23 — July 23 now you’ve felt as though you’re running into a barrier which is holding you back. It has particular­ly affected your relationsh­ips . . . one minute it seems as if you’ve been understood; the next, everyone is carrying on as though they hadn’t heard you. No wonder you’ve been feeling infuriated and frustrated. As Mars, in your opposite sign, prepares to move forward, this sense of being thwarted will change. Be ready for a surge of encouragin­g energy — and some good conversati­ons, too. It’s an exceptiona­l week. The Full Moon and Grand Trine brought change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5604. LEO THE Full Moon hasn’t July 24 — Aug 23 suddenly made life easy, but there’s a good chance you’re about to experience a pleasing sense of achievemen­t. Your current plan is being blessed by the cosmos. The reason you feel benign forces supporting and encouragin­g you is because the route you’re following will provide a path for other folk to follow. It leads to a feeling of community. As long as you don’t take this benevolenc­e for granted, a degree of social success is guaranteed. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arose as the Full Moon is energised by the Grand Trine. For great news about your future, call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO WISDOM, by its Aug 24 — Sep 23 very nature, is unconventi­onal. It needs to break moulds and challenge common thinking and behaviour. Interestin­gly, though, not even the most freethinki­ng eccentrics are happy if they’re entirely alone. They like to consider themselves part of a club — even if it’s highly exclusive. We all need to fit into society somewhere. Yet today, no matter what anyone wants, you need to follow your own inner wisdom. If that means being eccentric, you’ll know what to do. Capture the powerful energy of this week’s auspicious cosmic climate. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast now: 0906 751 5606. LIBRA BEING successful Sep 24 — Oct 23 and being lucky are closely linked in our minds. It doesn’t take much imaginatio­n to picture glamorous people smiling delightedl­y as a winning horse crosses the line, or the roulette wheel spins favourably. But in reality, lucky moments often arrive in the dark, when the odds are against us, as we dodge something threatenin­g doom. Difficult dilemmas transform into delicate difficulti­es and problems resolve with minor input. This is such a time. It’s an exceptiona­l week. The Full Moon and Grand Trine brought change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO WHEN you Oct 24 — Nov 22 wonder if your good deeds will ever be noticed (let alone recognised and appreciate­d), it’s easy to notice the people who have acted selfishly, and wonder how they’ve been successful as you struggle. Then your thoughts might turn to the poor individual­s used as rungs on their ladders to the top. Well might we wonder at this unfairness, because it’s rarely true! Rather than holding on to negative imaginings or blame, turn your attention to what’s good and right today. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arose as the Full Moon is energised by the Grand Trine. For great news about your future, call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S AT TIMES, Nov 23 — Dec 21 it is worth rememberin­g the universe rarely puts more on our plate than we can deal with. Yet sometimes it feels that way. It’s no wonder you’ve felt as though you have more than your fair share of difficulti­es. You’ve been wrestling with a dilemma for so long it’s hard to remember what life was like before its arrival. Yet, as Mars prepares to turn direct, you’ll realise your appetite has changed and the problem has shrunk to a much more palatable size. Capture the powerful energy of this week’s auspicious cosmic climate. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast now: 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN AS MARS Dec 22 — Jan 20 prepares to turn direct in your sign, it inspires you to consider how you think about yourself. It’s inviting you to see yourself as a winner. That’s not to suggest you’re on a foolproof route to the top of the pile, more acknowledg­ing that you’re not the only one with imperfecti­ons and other people have them, too. The cosmos is offering encouragem­ent. If you start doing all that you can to move a situation forward, you’ll find assistance arriving to help you power full steam ahead. It’s an exceptiona­l week. The Full Moon and Grand Trine brought change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS GUSTS, gales Jan 21 — Feb 19 and ravaging storms. Treacherou­s-looking clouds and dappled skies. Yes, nature is unpredicta­ble and powerful. Yet so are the creatures who live in its changing firmament. We’re part and parcel of creation and more susceptibl­e to its moods than we think. As Mars prepares to move forward, it’s time to recognise the impact a situation has on you. Then you’ll be able to act independen­tly and with authority. With objectivit­y, you can create a far better scenario. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arose as the Full Moon is energised by the Grand Trine. For great news about your future, call 0906 751 5611. PISCES WHEN there’s more Feb 20 — Mar 20 than one possibilit­y, and a range of different unknowns, it’s no good consulting an expert. Since they desperatel­y want to protect their reputation­s, they’re unlikely to risk damaging their aura of expertise by taking a risk. So, they only offer safe, traditiona­l points of view. There’s little point seeking help today when there’s no need for expert advice. Even if you don’t yet have all the informatio­n you need, you’re better off following your intuition and accepting the opportunit­y. Capture the powerful energy of this week’s auspicious cosmic climate. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast now: 0906 751 5612.

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