Daily Mail

All the way to the bank


I SHARE the sentiments about RBS ‘ working to improve standards’ (Letters). Despite decades of loyalty, I am tempted to move my account.

It was only the staff in my local branch that kept me with RBS. They have always been so helpful and pleasant, so I, and a lot of other customers, were saddened when this branch was closed down.

I tried NATWEST, but it was like entering a slot machine arcade. I was met by two pleasant greeters, but I was not impressed that there was only one service counter available.

As for paying a credit card bill, I was

directed to something akin to R2D2. I could not believe that no one was able to provide a face-to-face service for this.

My nearest RBS branch is ten miles away. I feel as though I have lost my bank and some dear staff who were an asset to this institutio­n.

Customers are also an asset, but how many of us will be left after the branch culling?

Old-fashioned service simply doesn’t appear to exist any more.

I’m not a press-button kind of person; I like smiles.

RBS chief executive Ross McEwan should remember his assets are the staff, customers and, in his case, shareholdi­ng taxpayers.

ANNA HAY, Gloucester.

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