Daily Mail

Trapped in the finger of a glove, tiny victim of plastic peril

- Daily Mail Reporter

THIS distressin­g picture shows how a fish suffocated after it became trapped inside the finger of a plastic glove.

Scuba instructor Roger Millan took the photo while diving off Tossa de Mar on Spain’s Costa Brava last month.

It is yet another shocking illustrati­on of how plastic waste is destroying marine life in oceans around the world.

Mr Millan said beaches in the area are cleaned regularly so the prevalence of plastic is not noticeable at first.

But he added: ‘When you look closely, though, you can’t miss the numerous small bits of plastic and lots of cotton ear bud sticks.

‘I’ve come across things like this before such as an octopus living in a plastic bottle instead of the rocks, and many fish caught up in abandoned fishing nets.

‘I cut free the ones which are alive. Unfortunat­ely, this flathead grey mullet was already dead. I did take the glove to dispose of it though.

‘It’s upsetting to see this as my job is to show people the beauty of our oceans and now it’s becoming more about making people more conscious of the problems.’

The Daily Mail has long campaigned to stop the tide of plastic waste blighting our oceans. We successful­ly led calls for a 5p levy on single-use plastic bags and a ban on microbeads in cosmetics.

‘Waste is killing marine life’

 ??  ?? Killed by man’s carelessne­ss: The grey mullet suffocated
Killed by man’s carelessne­ss: The grey mullet suffocated

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