Daily Mail



COMPAre the treatment of Frank Field by the Labour leadership with that of Jared O’Mara, who was elected in 2017.

Field, a Labour Party stalwart for almost 60 years and an MP since 1979, is a figure of great political stature who is hugely respected on both sides of the Commons for his work on child poverty.

As chairman of the Work and Pensions Select Committee, he famously took on Sir Philip Green over the Bhs pension scandal. Yet Labour will kick him out of the party unless he backs down on his principled decision to resign the whip over Jeremy Corbyn’s failure to deal with anti-Semitism.

Meanwhile, O’Mara, suspended last autumn for ‘racist, homophobic and misogynist­ic’ remarks he made before he became an MP, was reinstated nine months later. (He has since quit Labour.) Double standards of the worst kind.

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