Daily Mail

Boris the boat-rocker


YES, the Mail shares many of Boris Johnson’s deep reservatio­ns over the compromise Brexit proposals agreed at Chequers. But as he steps up his efforts to make trouble for the Prime Minister, has he properly thought this through?

Suppose he succeeds in scuppering any deal endorsed by Mrs May (something Michel Barnier seems intent on doing, with or without his help). True, this could sink her, while giving him the chance to succeed her. But what then?

Leave aside the precious time that would be wasted on a leadership contest. As the Parliament­ary arithmetic stands, it is surely inconceiva­ble that Boris could negotiate Brexit terms acceptable to both Westminste­r and the EU.

So what then? Yet another general election, to seek a mandate for a cleaner break? Not only would this waste yet more time, it would also raise the horrific possibilit­y of a Corbyn-led Marxist government.

Nobody can deny that Chequers is a fudge. But there will surely be time enough in the years ahead to put its shortcomin­gs right (always assuming the EU survives). For the moment, the priority is to get out.

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