Daily Mail

Italy to rein in Sunday trading


THE new Italian government will ban Sunday shopping in large commercial centres by the end of the year.

Deputy prime minister Luigi Di Maio said the move would help defend the traditiona­l day of worship and rest.

Sunday trading was liberalise­d in 2012 by then-prime minister Mario Monti in the face of pressure from the Roman Catholic Church and unions.

Mr Di Maio, head of the anti-Establishm­ent Five Star Movement, said: ‘This liberalisa­tion is in fact destroying Italian families … we need to start limiting opening and closing times again.’

Small shopkeeper­s in Italy have long sought to overturn Mr Monti’s reform, saying their businesses face unfair competitio­n from shopping centres.

Mr Di Maio said shops in large outof-town malls would also have to close on national holidays.

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