Daily Mail



We LOOKeD at four of West’s five options yesterday. The last one is a penalty double.

Doubling is the most negative of all because it means that if you are to score better than those who are making a vulnerable game, you must take 4 ♠ four down.

And if you are going to take seven tricks in defence, your side can make a slam for an even better score. Additional­ly, when you double the opponents after partner has bid two suits, you should guarantee at least two tricks in the enemy suit (Axxx is not sufficient). The N-S hands were North: ♠ Jxx ♥ Qxx ♦ Jx ♣ Kxxxx. South: ♠ KQ10xxx ♥ Jx ♦ Qx ♣ Jxx. you can see that the red suits break favourably and so the slam would have made, but the defence allowed 4 ♠ to go only three down by opening up the club suit for declarer.

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