Daily Mail

Proof that men are a much bigger menace on the roads than women

- By James Salmon Transport Editor

MEN are six times more likely than women to be disqualifi­ed from driving, official figures reveal.

More than 400,000 men have been banned over the last four years, compared to just 66,272 women, says the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.

Men are 23 times more likely to be disqualifi­ed for dangerous driving, with 20,209 cases over that period, compared to just 855 for women. And they are 15 times more likely to receive a ban for drug driving, with 28,500 cases compared to 1,866.

Drink driving remains a bigger problem with both sexes, but 150,107 men were disqualifi­ed for the offence compared to 34,913 women. The age at which men are most likely to be disqualifi­ed is 26. Just over 18,000, 26-year old men were disqualifi­ed, compared to just 1,988 men aged 60.

RAC spokesman Pete Williams said: ‘The total number of drivers disqualifi­ed is pretty astonishin­g but many won’t be surprised that men make up a significan­tly greater proportion than women. Regrettabl­y, the reputation young men have for irresponsi­ble driving is not unfounded.’

Rodney Kumar, of UK road safety charity IAM RoadSmart, said: ‘These findings strongly back up our research and that of the Government, which shows we need a targeted approach aimed at the biggest ‘‘at risk’’ group when it comes to road crashes – that is young men in their early to mid-twenties.’

The difference between the sexes emerged after a Freedom of Informatio­n request lodged by eye care specialist­s Feel Good Contacts.

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