Daily Mail


Your indispensa­ble guide to finding, buying and moving into the home of your dreams


IT’S THE biggest single purchase you’ll ever make in your life… and the most important. But while buying a home is tremendous­ly exciting, it can also be scary.

That’s because the sheer cost of buying a new place means that if you make a mistake you may be stuck with it until you can afford to move again.

So choosing the right property is key. And it’s not as difficult as you think. By following these simple steps, you can make sure you’re buying your dream home.


FIRST decide what you need from your home. If you’re a parent – or are planning to have babies – look at which has the best schools, play areas and children’s activities.

If you’re outdoorsy, are there decent links with the countrysid­e. If you’re single, are there bars and places you can meet friends? And what about employment? If you lost your job, could you find something else suitable nearby?

Once you’ve selected an area, spend a few days there. Stay in a B&B to see how it changes through the day and week.

Talk to police and locals about levels of crime or use crime-mapping websites. And check out planning permission­s – is a Waitrose or trendy boutique opening?

You’ll soon know if it’s your kind of place.

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