Daily Mail

If you’re flagging as a fella, don’t blame the manopause


THE male menopause — often dubbed the andropause or ‘manopause’ — is a hot topic and a moneyspinn­er for the doctors who prescribe testostero­ne replacemen­t therapy and for the pharmaceut­ical industry that manufactur­es it.

But, according to Dr Richard Quinton, a consultant endocrinol­ogist at Newcastle University Hospital, it’s a complete myth.

He told the British Science Festival recently that the andropause was perpetuate­d by the unscrupulo­us to exploit men’s anxieties about their sexual performanc­e as testostero­ne levels fall naturally with age.

What surprises me is how many men love the idea of the andropause. I know that private clinics are inundated with patients. I think the explanatio­n lies in the fact that while menopausal women can admit to a flagging libido as a symptom, men are reluctant to do so because it calls into question their masculinit­y.

Men view their bodies as machines, so the idea of ‘topping up’ hormone levels when they get a bit low makes sense.

There’s no question that testostero­ne levels decline as men get older and they may experience sexual dysfunctio­n, irritabili­ty, low mood and fatigue. But I don’t think this qualifies as a male menopause.

I think a far more likely explanatio­n for such symptoms is depression. Therapy and/or treatment with antidepres­sant drugs are what’s needed, not testostero­ne.

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