Daily Mail

Royals’ secrets revealed– in the palms of their hands!

Love. Ambitions. Desires. A palm expert’s blind reading of regal hands for the Mail was uncanny. So can YOU spot who’s who?


They show off their regal waves for thousands on state occasions and royal walkabouts.

But although these events are public, they are actually the times the royals reveal most about themselves, according to the science of hand Analysis.

This 21st century version of palmistry looks for clues which have been validated by research into more than 50,000 palmprints, personalit­y tests and medical records. helen elizabeth evans, the UK’s top scientific hand and fingerprin­t analyst, uses the system developed over the past 20 years to read the hands of profession­als and guide them to success and happiness. She says: ‘The lines on the right hand represent the side the royals want to show the public. The left hands reveal their private sides.’

Can this be true? We asked helen to read these royal palms without knowing who they belonged to. The results were uncannily accurate. . .

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