Daily Mail

Never forget a face? Most can recognise 5,000 of them

- By Colin Fernandez Science Correspond­ent

THE average person can recognise about 5,000 faces, a study has found.

Researcher­s gave participan­ts an hour to list everyone whose face they could recall – including those whose name they were unsure of.

They were also shown thousands of photos of famous people, including actors and politician­s, and asked which they recognised.

On average, the participan­ts recalled 362 faces they knew personally during the hour, and recognised an average of 290 famous faces.

By extrapolat­ing from the data – on the basis that the participan­ts knew more faces than they were able to recall in the hour – the University of York researcher­s arrived at the average of 5,000.

Even the person with the lowest recall knew around 1,000 faces, while the person with the best memory knew 10,000.

Dr Rob Jenkins, of the university’s Department of Psychology, said: ‘We haven’t yet found a limit on how many faces the brain can handle.’ The research was published in the journal Royal Society Proceeding­s.

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