Daily Mail

Probe on probate


HAvING dealt with probate matters for many of my 50 years as a solicitor, I cannot believe that the Probate Registries suddenly cost more to run (Mail).

They are the most efficient, businessli­ke and helpful of all parts of the judicial system.

The Government’s decision to increase probate fees from a flat rate of £215, or £155 if applied through a solicitor, to a maximum of £6,000, is not defendable.

Obtaining probate does not involve attendance at court giving evidence with an entourage of solicitors and barristers — it is a paper applicatio­n. An oath is not even required, just a ‘statement of truth’, for what that is worth. Applicatio­ns to the Court of Protection and for registrati­on of lasting power of attorney are dealt with in the same way. The difference is the fees have been reduced because a surplus had built up.

RALPH J. CROSS, Hereford.

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