Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Julie’s top superfoods to maintain a healthy body


I eat two of them daily in my morning smoothie. They contain 25 essential nutrients and are full of heart healthy fats. Avocados boost the immune system and nervous system as well as reducing inflammati­on in the body. They contain lutein for eye health and folate which is fantastic for pregnant women.

And tomatoes are super rich in lycopene which has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%. They help both the digestive system and liver function, as well as preventing constipati­on. Cress scores the highest on the aggregate nutrient density index which measures the vitamin, mineral and phyto nutrient content of foods per calorie.

Phyto nutrients protect the cells from DNA damage. Cress boosts heart and eye health, contains more bioavailab­le calcium than milk, and one cup provides our daily requiremen­t of vitamin K, making it a super bone-boosting food. This has more vitamins, nutrients and antioxidan­ts than any other grain as well as all essential amino acids. It also has more fibre than other grains, plus it’s a good source of iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

I make quinoa porridge, use it instead of rice, pasta or potatoes in meals, and to bulk out salads. It is delicious served with roasted vegetables. Maca powder is delicious with a sweet and malty taste. It helps the body cope with stress, is a great protein source and is bursting with vitamin C. But my favourite thing is that it is amazing at balancing hormones, aiding both menopause and PMT symptoms, boosting both libido and fertility as well as increasing energy. It has also been shown to increase muscle strength, brain function and memory.

Spirulina contains more than 100 nutrients, more than any other plant, herb or grain in the world. It boosts heart health, the immune system, contains anti-cancer properties, aids bone health, detoxifies, can prevent depression and diabetes, and slows down the ageing process.

Liquorice is wonderful for regulating cortisol, the stress hormone. However, its benefits do not end there. It has been shown to reduce body fat, and aid the respirator­y system by loosening mucus and soothing the throat and sinuses. It is a natural remedy for heartburn, nausea and stomach cramps as well as being a

fantastic natural anti-inflammato­ry. They are the number one food source of selenium with just two nuts providing 100% of our daily requiremen­t.

Selenium has anti-inflammato­ry properties as well as lifting moods and preventing depression.

The thyroid also contains more selenium per gram of tissue than any other organ so regular consumptio­n of brazil nuts may help to regulate its function. This oil has a high smoke point so it can be used to cook at high temperatur­es. A great source of energy, it suppresses the appetite, increases calorie burning, and studies show it is effective in reducing belly fat. It is rich in lauric acid which kills off bacteria and viruses, so it prevents infection. Coconut oil lowers bad cholestero­l, raises good cholestero­l and promotes a healthy thyroid and endocrine system. It facilitate­s the absorption of minerals such as magnesium and calcium, and boosts liver, gall bladder and kidney health. These contain all 20 amino acids, including the nine essential ones our bodies cannot produce, and have a perfect ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids promoting both a healthy heart and immune system. They contain more omega 3 than fish or fish supplement­s.

Hemp has been proven to increase circulatio­n and reduce inflammati­on and so may aid arthritis suffers. It is an energy booster with vitamins B, D and E, plus magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorou­s and calcium. With a 40% protein content, bee pollen is richer in protein than any animal source, and contains almost every nutrient we require. It is available from most health food shops and a big jar will last a few months.

It is rich in antioxidan­ts and so helps to prevent the damage caused by free radicals while reducing inflammati­on. Bee pollen is rich in rutin which is a specific bioflavano­id that strengthen­s blood vessels, regulates cholestero­l and supports circulatio­n. Pollen also reduces histamine.

It can boost energy, hormones, the digestive system and prevent fatigue.

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