Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)



Red cabbage is low in calories and high in insoluble fibre. This type of fibre can help prevent constipati­on and helps relieve some gastrointe­stinal conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Red cabbage contains vitamin C, a powerful antioxidan­t which your body needs to make collagen, a connective tissue that gives structure, strength and support to muscles, skin, bones and other tissues throughout the body. Collagen is also essential for the process of healing wounds. Red cabbage also contains vitamin A which is essential to healthy eyes and vision. Beta-carotene is converted by the body into the form of vitamin A called retinol that’s used by cells in the eyes that detect light and convert it into nerve impulses.

Red cabbage is also rich in vitamin K. Long-term vitamin K deficiency increases the risk of developing osteoporos­is, atheroscle­rosis and cancer, according to research published in the April 2012 issue of Food and Nutrition Research. Red cabbage belongs to the cruciferou­s, or Brassica, family that includes broccoli, turnips and Brussels sprouts. Cruciferou­s vegetables are the only source of sulphur-containing compounds called glucosinol­ates that help reduce inflammati­on and fight bacteria.

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