Daily Mirror

So are YOU a psychopath? Take our test!


A TEST claiming Donald Trump is more of a psychopath than Adolf Hitler, will confirm many of his critics’ worst fears.

But the truth is, a lot of us are on the spectrum somewhere – and a high score doesn’t necessaril­y mean you’ll end up as a power-crazed politician or serial killer.

Psychologi­st Dr Kevin Dutton, of Oxford University, has devised a detailed test to measure the psychopath­ic tendencies of the famous.

And he says that Hillary Clinton and Sir Winston Churchill have shown some traits which we would associate with crazed dictators of movie villains such as The Joker from new hit Suicide Squad.

He says: “There’s probably only about 1% of the population who qualify as pure psychopath­s.”

In most serious cases, scientists have found that the amygdala – or emotional control tower of the brain – doesn’t function properly.

That explains why they show negative traits we expect, like ruthlessne­ss, cold-heartednes­s and a lack of empathy. But psychopath­s can also display calmness under pressure, bags of charm and few signs of fear.

Dr Dutton adds: “Politics is a blood sport. Anybody that’s successful is going to be pretty high on the psychopath­ic spectrum.

“To be world leader you have to be able to make tough decisions under pressure, face crisis after crisis, send young men and women to war knowing they could lose their lives and you need charm.

“You need narcissist­ic confidence to run for office, self belief to implement policies, and mental toughness to deal with opponents.”

But what about us lesser beings? Dr Dutton has a simpler and shorter test, to see where we sit on the scale.

He explains: “These questions don’t actually diagnose anyone, but they give a rough guide.”

So are you just “grumpy” or could it be something more sinister?

Just answer these 11 questions as honestly as you can and count up your points accurately...

I rarely plan ahead. I’m a spurof-the-moment kind of person. Strongly disagree ................... 0 points Disagree ........................................ 1 point Agree .......................................... 2 points Strongly Agree ......................... 3 points

Cheating on your partner is okay so long as you don’t get caught. Strongly disagree ................................ 0 Disagree ................................................... 1 Agree ....................................................... 2 Strongly Agree ...................................... 3

If something better comes along it’s okay to cancel a longstandi­ng appointmen­t. Strongly disagree ................................ 0 Disagree .................................................... 1 Agree ....................................................... 2 Strongly Agree ...................................... 3

Seeing an animal injured or in pain doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Strongly disagree ................................ 0 Disagree .................................................... 1 Agree ....................................................... 2 Strongly Agree ...................................... 3

Driving fast cars, riding rollercoas­ters, and skydiving, appeal to me. Strongly disagree ................................ 0 Disagree .................................................... 1 Agree ....................................................... 2 Strongly Agree ...................................... 3

It doesn’t matter to me if I have to step on other people to get what I want. Strongly disagree ................................ 0 Disagree .................................................... 1 Agree ....................................................... 2 Strongly Agree ...................................... 3

I’m very persuasive. I have a talent for getting other people to do what I want. Strongly disagree ................................ 0 Disagree .................................................... 1 Agree ....................................................... 2 Strongly Agree ...................................... 3

I’d be good in a dangerous job because I can make my mind up quickly. Strongly disagree ................................ 0 Disagree .................................................... 1 Agree ....................................................... 2 Strongly Agree ...................................... 3

I find it easy to keep it together when others are cracking under pressure. Strongly disagree ................................ 0 Disagree .................................................... 1 Agree ....................................................... 2 Strongly Agree ...................................... 3

If you’re able to con someone, that’s their problem. They deserve it.

You have many characteri­stics which place you fairly high on the psychopath­ic spectrum. You can play hardball and right or wrong isn’t as important as getting the job done. You know what you want and go for it – even if it means bending the rules and putting some noses out of joint. Nothing fazes you, you are decisive and self-confident.

You’re at the top of the psychopath­ic spectrum, and display virtually all characteri­stics both positive and negative. This may be a false result but it’s serious food for thought!

The Wisdom of Psychopath­s by Dr Kevin Dutton is out now. And you can follow Dr Dutton on Twitter at @profkevind­utton


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 ??  ?? TOP SCORES The Joker and Donald Trump
TOP SCORES The Joker and Donald Trump

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