Daily Mirror

The name game

Hidden in the grid is the name of a sports star. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.


BOX1: What was Clark Gable’s (pictured) real first name?

William (A) Edward (M) James (I)

BOX2: In which country is the city of Chiba?

Egypt (F) China (O) Japan (R)

BOX3: How many states does Lake Michigan border?

One (B) Three (L) Four (E)

BOX4: Which sweet delicacies have a name meaning ‘little ovens’?

Mille-feuilles (R) Mie de pain (D) Petit fours (N)

BOX5: Oenology is the study of what?

Wine (A) Eggs (U) Maps (P)

BOX6: Which unit measures distances to objects beyond the solar system?

Flux (Y) Parsec (S) Hectare (T)

BOX7: What does the musical term ‘strepitoso’ mean?

Boisterous (W) Military style (V) Strict tempo (C)

BOX8: Who won the 2015 Cricket World Cup?

New Zealand (A) Pakistan (J) Australia (H)

BOX9: Jack Ryan is known for designing which famous toy?

Beanie Babies (G) Mr. Potato Head (M) Barbie doll (E)

BOX10: In Animal Farm, which character is based on Leon Trotsky?

Napoleon (I) Snowball (N) Boxer (O)

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Puzzles for 10th June
Clark Gable picture Puzzles for 10th June

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