Daily Mirror

Cheers for the glorious new political order

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THERESA May’s in office but not in power and Jeremy Corbyn’s in power but not in office.

His confidence to wear a red rose big enough to double as a satellite dish told us the Labour leader is on a roll.

Success breeds many parents, and MPs who sat sullenly behind him before the election suddenly applauded the conquering socialist hero’s entrance to the Commons.

And the Leftie veteran of eternal struggle loved every last throaty roar and clammy clap from his enlarged Parliament­ary choir.

Jubilant Corbyn looks as if he’s grown a foot since June 8 and humiliated May’s shrunk a yard.

Tories who once mocked him now snarl out of fear for their own seats, now May’s reduced to shaking a magic money tree to buy the votes of Northern Ireland’s bigoted Orangemen.

Corbyn Tangoed desperate May with a nifty riff on how Conservati­ves are anti workers, disabled, pensioners, youth and immigrants.

Last week it might have been dismissed as 1970s hectoring but this week it was a modern demolition number on numbed opponents.

Corbyn trolling May instead of May trolling Corbyn is the glorious new political order.

 ??  ?? HAVING FUN Corbyn and deputy Tom Watson
HAVING FUN Corbyn and deputy Tom Watson

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