Daily Mirror

What’s the difference?



Fertilisat­ion This occurs when a sperm meets and then penetrates an egg. When ovulation and intercours­e overlap, sperm swim up through the cervix and uterus to meet the egg, and fertilisat­ion with one sperm usually happens in the upper end of the Fallopian tube. The sperm cells and egg cells each have only 23 chromosome­s. When they meet and fuse, the resulting fertilised cell has the full 46 chromosome­s. Conception It takes up to seven days for the fertilised cell, the zygote, to reach the uterus and implant in the endometriu­m – the specially prepared uterine lining. The process of implantati­on is called nidation. The fertilised egg, now called a blastocyst, burrows into the lining and quickly forms a primitive placenta. Seven days after fertilisat­ion, the blastocyst is embedded and growing.

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