Daily Mirror

ITV should show these pets the door...


on’t let it be said there are no more inspiratio­nal programmes on television. Just last Friday, I was motivated to embark on a mission to school my cat in the art of changing channels.

It came courtesy of ITV’s new weekly dose of summer nonsense –

I’m guessing this series was jointly inspired by the antics of pet acts on Britain’s Got Talent and that favourite shortcut of thirsty TV creatives, YouTube.

Host Alexander Armstrong even brazenly admitted: “Look trainers used treats to persuade a dog and a miniature horse to pull a door open. We can only hope the tricks will become slightly more sophistica­ted as the series goes on. The signs are not good, though. Episode two appears to feature a pair of hens trying to pick TV Horse out Piers Morgan in an ID parade. You can do your own joke about hens knowing a crowing cock when they see one…

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