Daily Mirror



Dear Coleen

I’m a 22-year-old woman and graduated from university last month. Since them, all I’ve done is worry about what I’m going to do next, as I have no clue.

My parents have quite a lot of money so I’ve always had them to fall back on, although I know they’re expecting me to find a job having paid to put me through university.

I’ve never really had a job before, apart from working in a cafe one summer, so I feel totally out of my comfort zone.

Is it silly to feel like this?

Dear Coleen

I think lots of people your age haven’t made up their minds what they want to do with their lives.

It can be a scary time, but it’s also incredibly exciting – the world is your oyster. So I think it’s about changing your mindset a bit – start thinking of all the possibilit­ies and how lucky you are to be at the start of your life as an independen­t young woman.

Also, you’ll probably have quite a few jobs before you find something you’re really passionate about and will develop into a career.

I believe it’s always better to work at something – anything – until you decide what you want.

We all have to start somewhere and it’s good for prospectiv­e employers to see you’re prepared to work hard and climb the ladder. Plus you’ll be earning money and meeting people, too.

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