Daily Mirror

Same roads, but different rules for motorists and bike users


UNDER current laws cyclists can get away with more on Britain’s roads than drivers of motor vehicles.

You cannot be prosecuted for speeding while cycling, although there are exceptions where local byelaws apply – for example in the Royal Parks.

Cycling UK’s Duncan Dollimore said: “Under the 1847 Town Police Clauses Act you can, however, be fined up to £1,000 for cycling furiously, hence cycling too fast for the conditions can potentiall­y lead to a charge.”

There is also no legal alcohol limit for cyclists. However, if a police officer suspects someone of riding while unfit through drink or drugs, they can be charged and fined up to £1,000. Bicycles are also exempt from laws on using a phone while driving.

But texting while cycling can result in a “not paying due care and attention” charge.

In 2015, 351 pedestrian­s were killed by motor vehicles, compared with two deaths for those hit by bicycles.

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