Daily Mirror

Ask Dr Miriam



My doctor has said I’ve been left with a balance problem after I had an inner ear infection. I don’t know what to do as it’s disabling. Can you suggest anything?


I sympathise with you because I suffered with exactly the same thing.

I found that a treatment called Vestibular and Balance Rehabilita­tion Therapy helped me a lot.

Your GP may be able to refer you to a hospital unit that provides a balance and dizziness service. Here you will be shown exercises that you can repeat at home. There are also exercises called reposition­ing manoeuvres that reprogram your balancing organ. I had this treatment in a clinic and I found my dizziness was cured in one session and my unsteadine­ss and loss of balance has never returned. If there isn’t a balance and dizziness service near you, an ear, nose and throat specialist can sometimes help.

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