Daily Mirror

First-ever guidelines for teens and tattoos


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has announced its first-ever recommenda­tions on tattoos and piercings for young people.

The new guidelines are to help teenagers and young adults to be aware of any potential health issues that might be involved.

I’m sure young people in the UK would benefit from similar recommenda­tions.

Here are some of the suggestion­s: „Talk over any decision to get a tattoo or body modificati­on with a parent or adult, as well as a paediatric­ian first. „Research why you want a tattoo and where on your body you want it. „Changing is costly – laser removal in the US can range from $49 to $300 per square inch of treatment area. „If you have a history of keloid (serious scarring) formation, you should avoid body modificati­ons which puncture the skin. „Before getting a tattoo or piercing, make sure the salon is sterile and clean, and regulated by the state. „Be sure you are up to date on your immunisati­ons.

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