Daily Mirror

Tory bunglers spark nukes fallout chaos


WHITEHALL was plunged into chaos after Britain was hit by radioactiv­e fallout from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Ukraine.

Environmen­t Minister William Waldegrave gave out the phone number for his department’s drivers’ pool instead of the technical informatio­n centre.

And Environmen­t Secretary Kenneth Baker said the risks were “insignific­ant” but the National Radiologic­al Protection Board said “tens of people” would die, files from the National Archives in London reveal. John Wybrew, of the PM’s Policy Unit, wrote: “Whitehall lacked a firm lead. The ill co-ordinated nature of informatio­n and advice aroused rather than calmed public anxiety.”

 ??  ?? DISASTER Explosion wrecked Ukraine plant in 1986
DISASTER Explosion wrecked Ukraine plant in 1986

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