Daily Mirror

It’s a sign we are winning


STRANGE as it seems, the security clamp is a sign the west is beating IS.

In the past two years the group has been turfed out of huge areas of the Middle East. Special forces and intelligen­ce agencies are wiping out the final remnants. But as they do so, the survivors slink undergroun­d.

Commanders are desperate to maintain momentum. As they lick their wounds, they post the kind of twisted warnings we have seen recently. It is counter-intuitive for terrorists to give away their game. So they can only be doing it for one reason – to encourage lone wolves and small groups to attack. The jihadis have succeeded in encouragin­g ramming and knife attacks such as those at Westminste­r and London Bridge in which 13 people lost their lives.

So now is the time for extra vigilance as IS desperatel­y strives to wreak revenge at home for the defeats abroad.

And, with public help, our counterter­ror agencies will smash plots to repeat recent atrocities and stop the terrorists making their bloody presence felt once again in Britain.

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