Daily Mirror

Talking helped us stay afloat


through a break-up is to keep talking to the ex, as well as listening to ensure you both leave in a stable financial position. “It can be hard, and there will be times when you won’t want to talk to your ex, but it was what helped get us through the process amicably. Also, don’t make any knee- jerk decisions. You need to take time to ensure financial decisions are the right ones or you could end up paying over the top for things.

“Having a bit of independen­ce is important too, and having a handle on the family finances so you don’t get any nasty shocks.

“You take finances for granted when your life is stable, however when your situation is at risk you need to be pragmatic.

“By trying to put your emotions to one side and putting more of a business head on when it comes to sorting your finances, you will get through such a difficult time.”

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