Daily Mirror

Dog starved and body put into bin liner


A CRUEL dog owner left her pet Staffie to starve – and it died after eating its own fur and faeces.

Emma Miles, 28, left Yolo’s body in a bin liner in a cupboard, where it was found after her eviction.

Animal welfare officer Alex Myrie said: “In 16 years, this is the worst case I’ve had to deal with.”

A vet said Yolo “suffered a great deal in the slow, cruel and unnecessar­y process of starvation”.

Mum-of-two Miles, of Dursley, Glos – who told investigat­ors she had given Yolo to an ex-boyfriend – was found guilty of causing him unnecessar­y suffering, resulting in his death.

Cheltenham magistrate­s gave her 18 weeks’ jail, suspended for 12 months, and banned her from owning a pet for 10 years.

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