Daily Mirror

McMafia map of the world

Global crime guide, by author who inspired TV series

- BY TAMMY HUGHES tammy.hughes@trinitymii­rror.com

THE gripping crime series McMafia came to a shocking conclusion last night.

More than four million viewers each week watched James Norton playing Alex Godman, a banker who falls into a web of deceit and corruption spread across the continents

Alex’s story is fictional but the real world of organised crime is also a global enterprise.

Misha Glenny is a former BBC journalist whose non-fiction book on crime syndicates inspired the hit BBC TV series.

Here he talks us through the McMafia map of the world and gangsters around the globe

McMafia is available for viewing on the BBC iPlayer.

 ??  ?? HARD ROLE Norton as banker Alex Godman
HARD ROLE Norton as banker Alex Godman

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