Daily Mirror

MPs key to donor win


COMEDIAN Eddie Large’s anguish over receiving a heart transplant while a young girl died waiting reveals a flawed system.

The fact that he was lucky and she was cruelly unlucky is exactly why we urge you to ask your local MP to vote for a life-saving Bill in Parliament on Friday.

That youngster might have died needlessly, her future snuffed out at such a tender age and her grieving family left eternally devastated for want of a transplant.

By simply changing the law in England – so we opt out of the donor register, rather than in – people like that poor youngster could be saved in the future. Wales and Scotland have done so. As have France and Spain.

The precious gift of life is ours to give. So are death sentences, should MP Geoffrey Robinson’s Bill fail solely because enough politician­s don’t turn up in Parliament.

We have the power to end the current organ transplant lottery. Let’s do it.

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