Daily Mirror



Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20 No doubt a recent meeting or encounter has left you in a good mood, though you cannot afford to swan around. True, you may have to get one particular plan or idea out of your head. Instead, you should detect a change of attitude from someone in your immediate vicinity today. Aquarius Jan 21–Feb 19 Whether or not you got a fair deal is a matter of conjecture. Time will tell. Apart from that, you may have bought something which has yet to appear on your statement, but you have overspent. At any rate, you should make a profit today. Don’t, however, neglect your private life. Pisces Feb 20–Mar 20 A rather riveting time. Admittedly, your private life is in a state of uncertaint­y and you need your wits about you today. However, you have created enough love and goodwill to remain upbeat. Maybe you feel like the odd one out? It doesn’t mean an emotional tie won’t survive. Aries March 21–April 20 True, this is an anxious time. At least one of your deepest wishes is about to be realised. Exactly what is going on behind the scenes? That requires a leap of imaginatio­n. However, the week isn’t over yet. Don’t fret if you are waiting for news that will likely determine your future. Taurus April 21–May 21 There is a lot of wishful thinking going on. However, don’t dismiss an offer or invitation, even though it’s easy to delete it from your diary. In the meantime, you may decide to take a trip, if only to re-establish a relationsh­ip. There are other things you can’t replace today. Gemini May 22–June 20 You may be enjoying a revival in your career. On a personal level, you should also feel buoyant. Not that you have everyone’s approval today. Though, in your view, that doesn’t matter. Continue to pursue something you are working on. Even if it marks you out as an outsider. Cancer June 21–July 22 You may get a bit of flak for taking yet another break. What are you supposed to do? Refuse an invitation and sit at home stroking your chin? You are not the most adventurou­s sign of the zodiac – however, you should seek refuge today. After that, distance is no object. Leo July 23–August 22 At times you can be reckless when handling money. In this instance, the stakes are high and you don’t want to spend the rest of your life paying people back. Nor are you willing to work for nothing. In fact, you should have the inside track on some gigantic deal today. Virgo Aug 23–Sept 22 You may be only a few months or weeks into a relationsh­ip. So you need to choose your words carefully. Even if they fall on deaf ears, like today for example. Don’t attempt to explain your feelings. No one’s listening. At any rate, this should be an unforgetta­ble time. Libra Sept 23–Oct 23 Are you stressed or exhausted? Tough luck, you still have to carry on working. Nor are you likely to get any sympathy from others, except for “pull your socks up”! However, once this week is over, you should be able to get some precious sleep. Not to mention a temporary break. Scorpio Oct 24–Nov 22 Your private or romantic life is about to get exciting. There may be a whole lot of communicat­ion and love notes. But you don’t seem in too much of a hurry to date. Is someone making a nuisance of themselves at the moment? It’s a case of opposites attract and repel today. Sagittariu­s Nov 23 –Dec 21 A move is rightly welcomed, though you may not return to a completely undisturbe­d home or family life. Your main concern however is to put food on the table today – and others are amenable about that. Whether they agree to some kind of upheaval, that remains to be seen.

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