Daily Mirror



Cert Running time

The future of our species is never really in peril in this sci-fi thriller that’s characteri­sed by a significan­t lack of tension or urgency. Barely remembered for 2009’s Avatar, Sam Worthingto­n is the de facto leader of a group of military volunteers subjected to experiment­al drugs designed to enhance their evolution. This is to enable them to survive the hostile environmen­t on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, which humanity must colonise due to the Earth’s overpopula­tion and pollution. However, most of the film takes place in an idyllic mountain-top retreat, full of infinity pools and barbecues. Potential side effects of the treatment include increased aggression, hair loss, vomiting blood and death. When the test subjects begin to develop tremendous underwater skills, the wife of one smells something fishy and begins a secret investigat­ion of her own. Chief scientist and modern day Dr Frankenste­in is played by the venerable Tom Wilkinson, while former model Agyness Deyn sports the latest line in laboratory casual wear as his assistant.

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