Daily Mirror



We all know that fruit and vegetables should make up a hefty portion of the food on our plates. They keep us healthy, can taste delicious (when prepared well) and they make us look and feel good – so why do so many of us fail to meet the recommende­d five portions of fruit and veg a day?

I say, it’s time we start showing vegetables some love. As a nation, we’ve been guilty of sticking a bit of boiled veg on the side of a dish as an afterthoug­ht or garnish.

We should be making vegetables the star of the show!

Try roasting florets of broccoli or cauliflowe­r until charred then tossing through your favourite dressing, and you’ll start to see what I mean.

We need to get creative with the way we prepare and enjoy our veg, then maybe we’ll start building our meals around them, instead of simply having a piece of protein or a bowl of carbs.

With some creative cooking, you’ll be on your way to five-a-day (and beyond) in no time.

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