Daily Mirror



More than 22,000 out of 556,000 10 to 11-year-olds in primary school are severely obese, nearly twice the number of reception children aged four and five who are dangerousl­y overweight, new Local Government Associatio­n analysis shows.

Now the LGA, which represents 370 councils in England and Wales, warns severe child obesity rates are contributi­ng to a “multi-billion pound ill-health time bomb”.

Severe obesity can shorten a person’s life by 10 years – an equivalent loss to the effects of lifelong smoking.

Scientists say regular boozers risk heart failure if they have a faulty gene – even if they drink moderately.

They found alcohol can accelerate cardiac problems in drinkers with a protein called titin carried by one in 100 people – leading to a type of heart failure called dilated cardiomyop­athy.

None of the 716 patients in the study drank heavily. Scientists found even moderately increased alcohol affected heart pumping power in patients with the faulty gene. Report co-author Dr Paul Barton said: “Alcohol and the heart have a complicate­d relationsh­ip.”

Junk food companies are looking at ways adverts can “hijack” children’s brains.

That’s the claim by a top obesity campaigner after firms employed experts in so-called neuromarke­ting to analyse brain scans and see how unconsciou­s decisions are made to eat one snack rather than another.

Leading expert Kelly Brownell, of Duke University in North Carolina, said: “I would be interested to see what effects are produced by just looking at advertisin­g. Does food marketing hijack the brain? There is interestin­g neuroscien­tific research looking at the impact of sugar on the brain.”

MARTIN BAGOT is the Mirror’s Health Correspond­ent

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