Daily Mirror



BBC1, 8pm Dr Xand Van Tulleken presents the latest in this series of science documentar­ies which looks at everyday topics to sort the fact from the fiction.

And this time it’s carbs: those lovely beige comfort foods that we, as a nation, can’t get enough of, but which the diet industry often tells us are the devil incarnate. Xand – a big carb fan who used to weigh 19 stone, so he’s pretty qualified – is determined to find out if carbs are as dangerous as some people say. And, if so, are there any healthier types we could be eating.

First off he explores what a carb actually is, demonstrat­es a simple test to show how carbsensit­ive we are, plays Blood Sugar Bingo with a group of volunteers to find out if we actually know what’s in our food, and discovers some pretty nifty tricks to help make processed carbs that little bit better for us.

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