Daily Mirror

Ask Dr Miriam


Q I keep reading we should get plenty of zinc. The shelves of our health food store are packed with zinc supplement­s. Why is it so important?

A Zinc is important for healthy skin and helps with wounds by producing healing enzymes and new cells.

It also helps with the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydra­tes by breaking down proteins into small pieces that can be easily absorbed and used by the body. Food sources of zinc are lean red meat, shellfish and some nuts, as well as seeds plus wheatgerm found in bread and cereal. If you’re keen on oysters, just a couple will provide your zinc for the day.

If you don’t get enough zinc, early signs include dry flaky skin, loss of taste and poor growth in children.

In this country, one in five girls are getting way below their daily requiremen­t while teenagers are also going short.

To boost your zinc intake eat lean roast beef, crab (tinned will do), sardines and pumpkin seeds.

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