Daily Mirror

He’s a good canter puncher

Horse attack by water hole

- BY IAN HINCHLIFFE mirrornews@mirror.co.uk

A WILD stallion pins down a rival in a cloud of dust - and bites its neck.

The pale attacker, called a cremello, was agitated as shrinking water supplies brought the horses into closer contact than usual. Photograph­er Jami Bollsch- weiler, 44, who saw the animals in Utah’s West Desert, said: “I’ve never seen a stallion knock another down like that before and use his knees to hold him down.

“The cremello was there with his family. Usually he keeps them farther away from the others.

“But because water supplies have been drained in some locations it meant they were coming together in the same area.”

The stallion didn’t like being near other horses and didn’t want any by his mares and so was highly agitated.

And the bay horse ended up walking off minus a chunk bitten from its face.

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 ??  ?? HOOF DARES WINS Stallion attacks bay
HOOF DARES WINS Stallion attacks bay

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