Daily Mirror

Pup farms triumph


Many thanks to the Daily Mirror for never giving up on the fight against the vile puppy farms.

Also, not forgetting TV vet Marc Abraham who started the campaign against this cruelty.

I wrote to my MP about this issue, so I am thrilled we now have Lucy’s Law which bans puppy farming.

Carole Bush, Portsmouth

People keep complainin­g about the 1950s women’s pension robbery, austerity cuts and rising bills yet many still vote Tory. Unbelievea­ble.

G Smith Newcastle upon Tyne,

Newly laid tarmac was blamed for the cancellati­on of the British MotoGP at Silverston­e, while potholes in our highways keep appearing.

It’s the 21st century. It really does beggar belief.

Dave Patrick, York

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