Daily Mirror

The name game

Hidden in the grid is the name of an actor. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.


BOX1: Which alcoholic drink means ‘water’ in its original language?

Gin (P) Vodka (M) Brandy (D)

BOX2: There and Back Again is the subtitle for which classic children’s book?

The Borrowers (J) The Hobbit (R) Five Children and It (V)

BOX3: Which weatherrel­ated saint’s day occurs on 15 July?

St Swithin (S) St David (Y) St Patrick (C)

BOX4: George Graham managed which football team in the 1980s and 90s?

Liverpool (X) Aston Villa (L) Arsenal (R)

BOX5: The Central Criminal Court of England and Wales is known as the Old what?

Favourite (E) Bailey (A) Glory (I)

BOX6: The festival Up Helly Aa takes place each January on which island?

Bute (S) Lindisfarn­e (F) Shetland (T)

BOX7: The emperor and king are species of which flightless bird?

Ostrich (B) Kiwi (W) Penguin (K)

BOX8: Sir Robert Walpole is generally regarded as the first UK what?

Conqueror of Everest (U) Visitor to the Caribbean (E) Prime minister (O)

BOX9: Lumbago is a pain in which part of the body?

Head (H) Back (N) Foot (C)

BOX10: Natalie Portman (pictured) won an Oscar for her role in which film?

Black Swan (G) Closer (Z) Jackie (E)

Solutions in tomorrow’s Daily Mirror

 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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