Daily Record

Pick of the day


quips about their “dilapidate­d bodies” and “faded faces”.

It all becomes rather emotionall­y charged for Sherrie as she tries to meditate with the help of Corrie’s Bill Roache, a long-time meditator. “Why should I do it if it’s upsetting me?” asks Sherrie in tears.

Meanwhile, anti-ageing nutritioni­st Thor starts inspecting their food choices at lunchtime, making some unhappy.

“Oh God, if she talks any longer I’m going to eat her,” moans Sandra. Blonde beauty Thor, who rather unbelievab­ly is 58, somehow seems to look even younger than she did in the last episode. She’s THAT good at her job, it’s like watching Benjamin Button. “Let’s push them harder,” she says. You’ll be rooting for the celebs to succeed.

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