Daily Record

Complaint made over MP’s part in bar incident


with staff, including from the SNP, to celebrate a birthday.

It’s understood a man in the group was approached by Thomson. A source said: “There was a group of them there, it was really busy. Lots of people could see what was going on.”

In a statement on Thursday, Thomson said: “A series of serious allegation­s have been made against me that have featured in the media. I would like to state that these allegation­s from anonymous sources are completely false.”

But he said he had referred himself to the Conservati­ve Party’s disciplina­ry panel “in the interests of openness and transparen­cy”.

He vowed to return to work today. The Scottish Conservati­ve Party declined to comment.

 ??  ?? DENIAL Ross Thomson insists the allegation­s are false. Picture: PA
DENIAL Ross Thomson insists the allegation­s are false. Picture: PA

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