
The Decanter guarantee


Our buying guide is here to provide you with trusted, independen­t, expert recommenda­tions on what to buy, what to drink and what to cellar. Each panel tasting is judged by three experience­d tasters chosen for their authority in the category of wine being rated. All wines are tasted blind and are pre-poured for judges in flights of eight to 10 wines. Our three experts taste and score their set of wines individual­ly but then discuss their scores together at the end of each flight. Any wines on which scores are markedly different are retasted; however, judges are under no obligation to amend their scores. Judges are encouraged to look for typicity in wines, rewarding those which are true to their region. Prices are not revealed, and thus not taken into considerat­ion when scoring. The tastings are held in the controlled environmen­t of Decanter’s tasting suite: a plain white room, with natural light and no noise. We limit the number of wines tasted to a manageable level – a maximum of 85 per day – allowing judges to taste more thoroughly and avoid palate fatigue.

Scoring system

Tasters rate the wines using the 100-point scoring system. The overall

Decanter rating is the average of all three judges’ scores. The ratings are as follows: 98-100: Exceptiona­l A great, exceptiona­l and profound wine 95-97: Outstandin­g

An excellent wine of great complexity and character 90-94: Highly Recommende­d

A very accomplish­ed wine, with impressive complexity 86-89: Recommende­d

A well-made, straightfo­rward and enjoyable wine 83-85: Commended

An acceptable, simple wine with limited personalit­y 76-82: Fair

Correctly made, if unexciting 70-75: Poor

Unbalanced and/or bland with no character 50-69: Faulty

Displays winemaking faults For the Exceptiona­l and Outstandin­g

Decanter ratings, judges’ individual scores and tasting notes are listed in addition to the average score. For the Highly Recommende­d and Recommende­d wines, individual and average scores are also listed but tasting notes are a combinatio­n of the three judges’ notes. For the tasting notes of the Commended wines, please go to

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