Digital Photographer


Digital cameras are capable of producing incredible images, so learn how to use yours like a profession­al


image quality has proven a variable definition over the years, with a meaning that has evolved in parallel to the developmen­t of camera technology and people’s perception of a successful image. it has become a somewhat obscure and generic term that applies to several aspects of the imagemakin­g process, made more complex by the fact that every photograph­er has their own definition. Furthermor­e, we seem to have become obsessed with the concept, with technique magazines, gear reviews and manufactur­er advertisin­g all fixating on the shifting idea of a ‘perfect’ image. in its purest form, however, ‘quality’ refers to the technical precision with which an image has been executed, both on the part of the photograph­er and the camera equipment itself. While aspects such as compositio­n sometimes become drawn into the same category, in the context of these pages we must think of the term as defining a photograph that correctly fulfils the parameters of exposure, sharpness, colour depth and noise impact. Digital cameras have reached a point where they are exceeding the best film models for sharpness and resolution, but expensive, pro-grade equipment won’t guarantee the ultimate image quality. the photograph­er has to ensure they are using their kit correctly and to its full potential. indeed the majority of flaws found in modern digital images can be attributed to misuse of gear, through oversight or lack of understand­ing on the user’s part. We have to be aware of the strengths and weakness of our equipment and how it behaves in a whole range of situations. in this guide we walk through each of the key causes of degraded image quality, explaining what to watch out for and how they create challenges, focusing in-depth on how to quickly and easily solve these issues. handheld and tripod-mounted shooting each have their own unique demands, as does photograph­ing outdoors. We’ll provide situation-specific tutorials on how to balance exposure with creative effect in each instance, and finally, how to use software to produce crisp, high-resolution, well-exposed images with the best possible impact.

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